This first volume of the Choral Music of the Orthodox Church series is a collection of settings containing all of the sung portions of the Resurrectional octoechos professionally typeset and shipped as a 308-page hardback volume.
Includes the following:
- Lord, I have Cried with appointed stichera and Dogmatik Theotokia
- Vesperal Prokeimena
- Aposticha with appointed stichera and Theotokia
- God is the Lord and Resurrectional Troparia
- Alternative Tone 1, 3, and 8 variants of the Resurrectional Troparia
- Resurrectional Theotokia
- Hymn of Ascent, Tone 4 "From My Youth"
- Gospel Prokeimena
- Resurrectional Irmosi (Canon)
- Canon to the Theotokos, Tone 4 (commonly prescribed Katavasia)
- Resurrectional Kontakia
- The Praises with appointed stichera
- Troparia After the Great Doxology
Choral Music of the Orthodox Church, Vol. 1: The Sunday Octoechos (hardback)