Major Works
With Eyes Unveiled (2025)
A 30-minute memorial work for SATB chorus, cello, and tenor soloist. The work is in six-movements and set the text of Psalm 90 along with excerpts from the Orthodox funeral service.
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (2016/2021)
This 90-minute work was featured in the 2020 Grammys where it was nominated for Best Choral Album. This recording as well as the Slavonic language version are both available on YouTube and all streaming services. Complete score as well as individual movements are available through Musica Russica publishers.
Heaven and Earth: A Song of Creation (2015)
This collaborative work unites the artistic creations of Matthew Arndt, John Michael Boyer, Kurt Sander, Richard Toensing, and Tikey Zes into a single extended work based on the text of Psalm 102. Sander's movement "He Made the Moon" is available through Musica Russica.
Orthodox Liturgical Music
All-Night Vigil (Всенощное бдение)
Блажен Муж № 2 (Blessed is the Man)
Блажен Муж № 4 (Blessed is the Man)
Virgin Theotokos, Rejoice No. 2
Богородице Дево № 3 (Virgin Theotokos, Rejoice)
"Свете Тихий" (O Gladsome Light)
Величит Душа Моя Господа (My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord)
Divine Liturgy (Божественная литургия)
Единородный Сыне (Only-Begotten Son)
Херувимская Песнь (из Божественной Литургии)
Милость Мира № 4 (для смешанного хора)
Достойно Есть
Тело Христово № 2

"He Made the Moon" by K. Sander from the collaborative work Heaven and Earth: A Song of Creation (2014)
performed by Cappella Romana
John Michael Boyer, conductor
Score available through Musica Russica Publishers

"A Mercy of Peace" by K. Sander
performed by Cappella of St. Romanos, Peter Jermihov, conductor
Score available through Kurt Sander

"Pasha's Lullaby" from the song cycle Ella's Song for soprano and piano trio
performed by Irina Mozyleva, soprano
Score available through Kurt Sander

Ella's Song by Kurt Sander
"Ella's Song" excerpts from the song cycle for soprano and piano trio. Ella's Song is a biographical monodrama that deals with the life and martyrdom of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorova who was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1917.
performed by Irina Mozyleva, soprano
Score available through Kurt Sander

"Cherubic Hymn No. 4" sung in Church Slavonic Ensemble "Vera" from St. Petersburg
Score available through Kurt Sander
"Тело Христово" (Receive the Body of Christ) sung by Canticum Festum, Lyubov Shangina, conductor.
Score available through Kurt Sander